Sea Jade Harvest
These are just a few notes from a trip to Cannon Beach on Sunday, to harvest seaweed and learn what it is about. OCOMers and friends.
What an amazing day. Departure

The ocean presents herself in light. A guide, too. Day Begins.
Clip all leaving an inch or so to grow back. If pull off, shells/coral come too, not sustained. Wash all in salt water except Nori which can be washed in fresh also. Otherwise the cell membranes break down /degrade the plant...?
Topical use, bladders filled with muscilagenous substance that will clog your drain if you wash it down, so send it to compost. Can put in blender, make a shake, use as beauty treatment, or cook it to eat. Although Quinn says not as tasty. Grow back very quickly.
Lovely. Yummy. One cell thick.
Survivors of A-Bomb Hiroshima who ate lots of it – poor man food – fared better. Protective
Soup Stock but better to be eaten for full value
Make beans less gassy.
Contain Manitol, sugar that comes out as white powder when dry.
5-15g seaweed dry 3x/wk ® ~ kids 1 lb/yr.
Ryan Drum website all about seajade -
Mendacino Sea Vegetable Co., check online -
“… Complete Book of Minerals” by paul berger…(sp).
Yang of sunshine meets Yin of ocean, resulting in this weed.
Meridian Pulse Dx* So much info
Mother / son.
Xu Pulse, 2 of 6.
What is relationship? Generation cylce.
T mother - horary.
T son - mother.
Short duraration very. Root Tx.
*for now. Quality of pulse later. Feeling all 6 pulses at once is most accurate. Note level of pressure bilaterally, balance fx. Penetrate to occlude, lift and check rate of return, strength. 1st back strongest, 2nd weakest. Which is which: mother/son. Root Tx. Use pts accordingly w/ generation cycle.
A bird with two larynxes can sing two songs at once. Self harmonization. A concious being can step outside (of themselves) to consider two things at one time from different perspectives. There are many concious beings. It is to the level of which seperation from self is possible in any consideration that the struggle is seen. Struggle of man has been fairly consistent. We may beleive critical mass is near. The end is nigh upon us, but it has been thought always. From the first moment the end came and we suffered loss via attachment. Attachment after our inertia lost, we settle in. the yang becomes the yin, energy to form.....................................................................................................
Sun dried humans. Deaprture. Thanks to Quinn. Additionally came, gratitude defined, of our Mother, in a systematized fashion humans like.
For more on sea jade: (the Mendacino Sea Vegetable Co.). (for more pics)
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