
Never before have I been as grateful for the opportunity to learn as now, when the sea has opened up before me & I do indeed know how to swim! A collection of some of the bits of Chinese medicine, philosophy and biomedicine that I am immersed within. This is meant to be an easy way to share without being intrusive. Please be gentle, as it is in my spirit to share the joy & healing found in this medicine & study.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Smoking & Antioxidants

Anyone frequently around cigarettes or other carcinogens (grills, fires, industry, smog etc.) could benefit from supplementing their diet with lots of antioxidants (like Vitamin C). These can help disable or take those carcinogenic agents (free-radicals) out of the body along with them as they pass through. Some of my professors go so far as to say that smokers should take a high dose of Vitamin C every day as a preventative measure, because their body's need all the help they can get in dealing with those free-radicals, nasty things.
Other antioxidants are found in tea, wine, and many vegetables, fruits and vitamins. Your best bet is to eat a diet with lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Specifically sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, cantaloupe & mangoes are good sources of antioxidants. While fresh food gives you vibrant qi as well as more intact vitamins and minerals, supplementation can help. Most vitamin supplements are safe but fat soluable vitamins like A and E can be over dosed on resulting in excesses being stored in the liver and fatty tissues, which can be toxic.
Still, drinking wine with your cigar may not quite be what the doctor ordered, so to speak. The jury is still out on exactly how helpful antioxidants can be as preventative medicine. There is great information on this at: As always, NOT exposing a delicate inner tissue to such harmful elements is the most loving option, but if unable, supplement at least! So, here's to loving ourselves as best we can.
If you are one of those with some harmful habits and find yourself ready to take steps to become healthier, acupuncture can be an amazing support. Simple protocols using needles only on the ears have been used for years to aid in detoxification and addiction for thousands of people. Treatments can vary in price but can be found for $10 - $20 per session. For more information send an email today -


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