Night Blooming Cirus

This is one of the lovliest flowers, caught blooming in the middle of night, the deepest Yin time, soaking it all in. My mother used to have us all trudge out in pj's to look at it... I think she transplanted it form her childhood home at the lake... and now it climbs at least 65 feet up a sweetgum tree in our backyard in Brooksville, FL. She said it had dozens of blossoms last time...
night blooming cirus
Wow, did you capture this gift of nature? How absolutely gorgeous!
My mom took this picture. its a night blooming cirus, grows on a vine that climbs up a tree in her backyard about 50 feet or so and has dozens of blooms. She tranplanted it from her grandmother's I beleive. It is also a medicinal herb, not sure what uses but treats the heart and spirit. The vine looks like a cactus... you woulod never know during the day...
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